Pregnancy is a miraculous experience that forever alters a woman’s life. Many women go through a range of physical and emotional changes soon after finding out they’re pregnant. The most significant reason for these changes is perhaps the hormonal shifts occurring within a woman’s body during pregnancy Along with pregnancy, the body undergoes many changes as it prepares to give birth to a living being. Sometimes these hormonal fluctuations can lead to hair loss during pregnancy.
- So, how common is this situation?
- Is hair loss temporary?
- Does hair grow after giving birth?
- Can hair loss be prevented during pregnancy?
We have prepared a guide to answer all the questions regarding hair loss during pregnancy. You can read our article to learn the topics that interest you …
How does pregnancy affects the health of hair?

Pregnancy can affect your hair in various ways. Some women state that their hair was healthier than ever during pregnancy. In fact, one third of women reported that the health of their hair had improved after the fourth and fifth month of their pregnancy. In addition to this, some women also reported that their hair had been more problematic than ever.
Dryness of the hair is one of the most common problems experienced by pregnant women. During this period, the hair requires more moisture than usual. Hormonal changes produce different results in every individual and pregnancy. Moreover, the response of hair follicles to these changes also vary.
it’s diffiult to predict how hair follicles will respond to these changes. Additionally, even if you find that your hair is in good condition during your first pregnancy, it may turn out to be the opposite in your second second pregnancy.
It is rare for a woman to experience health problems such as hair loss for the entire nine-month period. Especially in the last three months of pregnancy, the hair will look better.
Hair Health in the first Trimester of Pregnancy

During the first three months of your pregnancy, your hair may feel thicker. However, due to the normal elongation cycle of hair, it is very difficult to grow in such a short time.
Hair grows only half centimeter per month. Therefore, it will take six months on average to observe any changes in total hair length.The denseness and thickness perceived; is due to increased estrogen levels. This causes the hair follicles to produce less sebum in total length, which, in turn, gives the hair the appearance of more volume. In addition to this, the decrease in sebum production can cause dry and brittle hair. Therefore, make sure that you are supplementing with moisture especially during the first trimester of pregnancy.
Hair Loss During Pregnancy
In general, a limited number of hair is lost during pregnancy. As a result, your hair will generally appear thicker and voluminous towards the middle as well as the end of the pregnancy. The reason is that with increasing levels of estrogen, hair tends to stay in the anagen phase longer than usual. However, due to the normalization of estrogen levels, most women experience hair loss in the first few months after giving birth. It’s normal to feel worried when you realize your shiny and voluminous hair strands have become thinner at the early stages of your pregnancy.
But don’t worry; because this is probably a temporary situation. Is hair loss during pregnancy an abnormal condition? Hair loss during pregnancy is not unusual; but it is less likely to occur compared to the shedding experienced after giving birth. In some cases, hair loss can occur during pregnancy, depending on the general health condition of the expectant mother. Sometimes, hormonal fluctuations can also cause hair loss. While showering or when combing hair, you may observe more hair loss than usual.
If hair loss continues, this is probably due to some vitamin deficiencies. in consultation with your doctor, you can take measures to prevent the increase of hair loss.
Causes of hair loss during pregnancy

In general, pregnant women experience some changes in their hair due to increased levels of estrogen hormone. This hormone also affects the hair follicles. Sometimes, except for hormonal changes during pregnancy, there may be hair loss for different reasons. Hair loss during pregnancy can be due to vitamin and mineral deficiencies in our body. The discontinuation of birth control pills is another cause of hair loss. Hair loss usually occurs after 1 to 5 months of pregnancy.
This is a temporary condition affecting 40% to 50% of pregnant women. Hair loss usually returns to normal after 6-12 after giving birth. Hormonal changes and some physical changes can also cause this type of hair loss during pregnancy. Some possible causes of hair loss during pregnancy are listed below:
- Nutritional Deficiencies: Pregnancy is a period when the body needs more nutrition.. In addition, vomiting observed during the first trimester of pregnancy can cause nutritional deficiency. Inadequate consumption of foods with high nutritional value leads to hair loss during pregnancy. Deficiencies of iron, proteins, minerals and vitamins also contribute to hair loss. In addition, excessive intake of vitamins can also be a cause of hair loss.
- Pregnancy-Related Disorders: Sometimes pregnancy diabetes or fungal infections in pregnant women can also lead to hair loss.
- Pregnancy-Related Diseases: Sometimes gestational diabetes or fungal infections in pregnant women can also cause hair loss. If you experience such situations, we recommend that you consult your doctor.
- Hormonal Changes: Hormonal changes in pregnancy; Since it interferes with normal hair growth cycle, it is one of the main causes of hair changes. This can result in excessive hair loss during the first trimester of pregnancy; However, this is a temporary condition and after a few months of giving birth, the situation is reversed.
- Genetic Factors: One of the causes of hair loss is genetic factors. If your mother has also suffered hair loss during pregnancy, the risk of having the same problem increases.
- Thyroid Disorders: Thyroid disorders are one of the causes of hair loss during pregnancy. This hormone; It affects the digestive system, metabolism, psychological state and even the hair and nails of the person. As a result, thyroid disorders can cause hair loss.
- Gynecology: Certain diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome; during pregnancy can cause excessive hair growth or hair loss.
- Reasons related to reproduction: Stopping contraceptives such as Birth Control Pills can lead to hair loss. Abortion and stillbirths are also presented as causes of hair loss.
- Scalp Disease: Many pregnant women may have skin allergies or scalp problems. They can contribute to thinning and even hair loss. How to prevent hair loss during pregnancy? Hair loss after pregnancy or childbirth is not a major problem; because it is a temporary condition that returns to normal after birth. However, it can hurt the mother and the baby; Hair loss can be caused by conditions such as illness or malnutrition.
How to prevent hair loss during pregnancy?
Hair loss after pregnancy or childbirth is not a major problem; because it is a temporary condition that returns to normal after birth. However, it can hurt the mother and the baby; Hair loss can be caused by conditions such as illness or malnutrition. how to prevent hair loss during pregnancy and how to reduce the existing loss?
- The application of oil: Regular care of your scalp can be beneficial for the health of your hair. Applying oil for hair care twice a week before bedtime can help you nourish your hair. Among the best natural care oils for hair health; Coconut, almond oil and olive oil.
- Avoid excessive processes: During pregnancy; Try to protect your natural hair type, rather than using too many straighteners, tumble dryers or other tools for your hair. When it is wet, be gentle with your hair and use a wide-toothed comb.
- Vitamin and mineral deficiencies: Pregnant women are advised to have a healthy diet that includes the essential nutrients they need for their baby. It is recommended to apply a diet rich in vegetables and fruits containing antioxidants and flavonoids. It stimulates hair growth and protection.
- Do Meditation: Stress is one of the main causes of hair loss during pregnancy. However, it is impossible to stay away from stress during pregnancy. In that case; It’s important to focus on what makes you feel good. Meditation can help prevent stress and hair loss during pregnancy.
- Avoid chemicals products: There are many products in the market that claim to eliminate hair loss. But these products are not suitable for pregnant women because they contain harmful chemicals. During pregnancy you should only use hair care products containing biotin and silica.
- Avoid combing your hair when wet: Generally we dry and comb our hair directly after leaving the shower. But this should be avoided because when your hair is wet the fall is much easier. If you comb wet hair, the loss will be faster. It is best to wait until the hair dries naturally.
You can also use a towel rather than a hair dryer to dry your hair.