Many people wonder what is the best time of the year or season to have a hair transplant. Although there is no general or scientific consensus on which is the best time, specialists tend to favour certain seasons more than others, since weather conditions play a fundamental role in the aftercare of the hair transplant, affecting the final result.
Yet, for starters, keep in mind that “”the best season to have a hair transplant” does not refer to the place where the procedure is performed but to where the patient will spend his recovery stage.
Therefore with this article, we will be discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the different seasons so that you can choose when to have a hair transplant in Turkey at Dr Serkan Aygin Clinic according to the conditions in your home country.
Hair Transplant in Summer: Should I have a FUE hair transplant in the summer?
Summer is undoubtedly an ideal time for many people who want to undergo a hair transplant. Since they are on a vacation, they can take the opportunity to travel abroad and have a Sapphire FUE hair transplant or DHI hair transplant surgery done with complete discretion avoiding uncomfortable questions.
Also, as the first 10 days after the operation requires gentle care, the patient will have more time to adapt to a new routine.
However, some people think that summer may not always be the best time to have a hair transplant, although this does not mean that it cannot be performed. It simply means that it is necessary to take certain precautions if you are going to have a hair transplant.
What Do I Need to Avoid During Summer After a Hair Transplant Surgery?
Due to the heat, you may get dehydrated or your blood pressure may increase, both of which are undesired situations after a hair transplant. Similarly, if a patient sweats a lot, it may affect the healing process or even lead to inflammation of the scalp after a hair transplant in summer.
In order to have a successful hair transplant, sun exposure should be avoided during the first two weeks, since the skin is very sensitive and this could lead to blemishes and skin burns.
However, the use of hats or scarves is not recommended after a hair transplant. Thus an alternative option could be the use of umbrellas, but remember to be very careful not to touch the treated areas.
Likewise, if you are planning a vacation that includes swimming pools and beaches, it is better to visit these places before your hair transplant surgery.
The rationale behind this is that you should avoid letting your scalp come in contact with seawater or pool water as salt and chlorine can negatively affect the recovery process.
And finally, it is important to remember that flight ticket prices to travel abroad for a hair transplant may be slightly higher in summer than during other seasons.
However, if you plan your trip in advance and take the necessary precautions, you can enjoy a life-changing difference in your life during this season.
Keep in mind that scientists claim that natural hair loss increases in the late summer and early fall, and hair loss decreases in the late winter and early spring due to temperature changes.
This occurs due to hormonal changes and it is normal for all human beings to experience hair shedding during the summer. Do not be alarmed, you can consult your medical team as it may be a part of the natural process.
Does Autumn and Winter Shedding Affect Hair Transplantation?
Hair graft surgery patients travel to Turkey in cooler months with the beginning of autumn,in fact, September and October are considered the peak season for hair transplants.
With the drop in temperatures, the arrival of winter and more cloudy days, the sun and heat no longer pose a threat to the implanted hair follicles. On the contrary, the cold can be a great ally, since cold weather does not affect the wound healing process.
Rain After Hair Transplant
An excess of humidity could prolong the recovery, so it is important to avoid dampening your head with rainwater in the donor and recipient area, as it could also be contaminated with chemicals in the air.
Although many doctors claim that autumn comes along with natural shedding, no studies confirm whether hair loss is experienced more after a hair transplant in autumn.
Hats in Winter After a Hair Transplant
During the winter, the use of hats, or tight beanies is also not recommended, because although they protect the scalp from the cold, they can cause sweating and humidity, affecting the correct healing of the implant. Similarly, tight hats could also dislodge the grafts.
Does Spring Affect the Hair Transplant?
With spring, not only flowers bloom but also hair! This time of the year is an excellent option for hair transplant surgery since the weather is more temperate without having strong heat waves.
One of the advantages of this time of the year is that you can have all the above-mentioned benefits of a cooler climate, without running the risks of high temperatures.
To conclude, whatever time of the year you decide to have a hair transplant in Turkey at Dr Serkan Aygın Clinic, you should take the same care and precautions to ensure that the number of follicles implanted will be successful.
More than thinking about the season you are in Turkey, you should take into account the conditions in your country of residence, because although in Istanbul it is spring if you live in hotter countries, you should take precautions as if you were in summer.
At Dr Serkan Aygin Clinic, we provide all the necessary information and indications to our patients before they set off their journey to get a hair transplant to get the result they long for.
Therefore, you don’t have to hesitate for any reason to travel at any time of the year, even during the pandemic to look younger and get the hair of your dreams.