تعاني النساء الحوامل من بعض التغيرات في شعرهن بسبب زيادة مستويات هرمون الاستروجين؛ حيث يؤثر هذا الهرمون على بصيلات الشعر، وفي بعض الأحيان قد يحدث تساقط الشعر أثناء الحمل لأسباب مختلفة غير التغيرات الهرمونية، ولا يشكل تساقط الشعر أثناء الحمل أو بعد الولادة مشكلة كبيرة عادةً؛ لأن هذه حالة مؤقتة وتعود إلى طبيعتها بعد فترة قصيرة من الولادة. لكن بما أنه قد يضر الأم والطفل؛ هناك حالات مثل المرض أو نقص التغذية التي قد تكون السبب وراء تساقط الشعر إذًا كيف يمكن الوقاية من تساقط الشعر أثناء الحمل وتقليل تساقط الشعر الموجود؟ زيوت الشعر: العناية المنتظمة بفروة رأسك بالزيوت الخاصة بالشعر يمكن أن تكون مفيدة جدًا لصحة شعرك وتغذيته، حيث يجب استخدامهم مرتين في الأسبوع قبل النوم، ومن أفضل الزيوت الطبيعية للعناية بصحة الشعر هي التي تحتوي على زيت جوز الهند وزيت اللوز وزيت الزيتون. العناية المفرطة بالشعر: أثناء الحمل بدلًا من استخدام الكثير من أدوات فرد الشعر أو المجففات أو غيرها من الأدوات لشعرك، حاولي الحفاظ على طبيعة شعرك، وتعاملي مع شعرك بلطف عندما يكون مبللاً واستخدمي مشطاً واسع الأسنان لتمشيط شعرك. نقص الفيتامينات والمعادن: يُنصح النساء الحوامل باتباع نظام غذائي صحي يتضمن العناصر الغذائية الأساسية الضرورية لأنفسهن ولأطفالهن، وينصح أيضًا باتباع نظام غذائي غني بالخضروات والفواكه التي تحتوي على مضادات الأكسدة والفلافونويدات؛ لأنها تحفز نمو شعرك وتحمي فروة الرأس. الابتعاد عن التوتر: أحد الأسباب الرئيسية لتساقط الشعر أثناء الحمل، ومع ذلك فليس من الممكن أن تكوني خالية من التوتر أثناء الحمل، ولكن في هذه الحالة من المهم التركيز على الأشياء التي تجعلك تشعر بالارتياح؛ حيث يمكن أن يساعد ذلك في تقليل تساقط الشعر المرتبط بالتوتر أثناء الحمل. منتجات الشعر التي تحتوي على مواد كيميائية: على رفوف أسواق مستحضرات التجميل يمكنك العثور على العديد من المنتجات التي تساعد في القضاء على تساقط الشعر، إلا أن هذه المنتجات لا تناسب الحامل؛ لأنها تحتوي على مواد كيميائية ضارة، وبالتالي يجب عليكِ أثناء الحمل استخدام منتجات العناية بالشعر التي تحتوي على البيوتين والسيليكا فقط. تمشيط الشعر المبلل: نقوم عادة بتمشيط شعرنا بعد وقت قصير من الخروج من الحمام، ولكن هذا يجب عليكِ تجنبه؛ لأنه عندما يكون شعرك مبللاً يكون من الأسهل بكثير أن يتقصف، وإذا قمت بتمشيط شعرك وهو مبلل، فإن خصلات شعرك تميل إلى التساقط أكثر؛ ولذا من الأفضل الانتظار حتى يجف الشعر بشكل طبيعي، وبدلًا من استخدام المجفف لتجفيف شعرك يمكنك استخدام المنشفة.
First of all, you should inform your primary care physician about the hair transplant operation and once you have received approval to temporarily stop taking your medication, you should discontinue taking any medication that might thin your blood such as aspirin for about three days prior to the operation. Prior to the hair transplant operation, please inform us about your current health condition and the medications (if any) that you are taking.
First of all, you should inform your primary care physician about the hair transplant operation and once you have received approval to temporarily stop taking your medication, you should discontinue taking any medication that might thin your blood such as aspirin for about three days prior to the operation. Prior to the hair transplant operation, please inform us about your current health condition and the medications (if any) that you are taking.
First of all, you should inform your primary care physician about the hair transplant operation and once you have received approval to temporarily stop taking your medication, you should discontinue taking any medication that might thin your blood such as aspirin for about three days prior to the operation. Prior to the hair transplant operation, please inform us about your current health condition and the medications (if any) that you are taking.
DHI is the newest method in hair transplant procedures. The unique feature about DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) implantation method is that during operation recipient site creation and graft implantation are performed simultaneously and implantation are combined as part of a one or two step process, embedding the extracted hair follicles directly into the recipient areas without the need of creating channel incisions via utilizing an implanter (Choi) pen. The implanter/Choi Pen features a very thin and sharp fine tip. This fine tipped Choi needle is shaped like a hollow needle and allows the grafts to be inserted within the needle.
In general, pregnant women experience some changes in their hair due to increased levels of estrogen hormone. This hormone also affects the hair follicles. Hair loss after pregnancy or childbirth is not a major problem; because it is a temporary condition that returns to normal after birth. However, it can affect the mother and the baby. Hair loss can be caused by conditions such as illness or malnutrition. So, How to prevent hair loss during pregnancy or after pregnancy?
DHI is the newest method in hair transplant procedures. The unique feature about DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) implantation method is that during operation recipient site creation and graft implantation are performed simultaneously and implantation are combined as part of a one or two step process, embedding the extracted hair follicles directly into the recipient areas without the need of creating channel incisions via utilizing an implanter (Choi) pen. The implanter/Choi Pen features a very thin and sharp fine tip. This fine tipped Choi needle is shaped like a hollow needle and allows the grafts to be inserted within the needle.
In general, pregnant women experience some changes in their hair due to increased levels of estrogen hormone. This hormone also affects the hair follicles. Hair loss after pregnancy or childbirth is not a major problem; because it is a temporary condition that returns to normal after birth. However, it can affect the mother and the baby. Hair loss can be caused by conditions such as illness or malnutrition. So, How to prevent hair loss during pregnancy or after pregnancy?
To carry out a successful hair transplant, we recommend that you stay in Turkey for a minimum 2 days. After your arrival to Turkey, you may undergo an operation. If you book a flight early, on the same day you can undergo a hair transplant procedure. If you land in Turkey in the later hours, you may rest in your hotel room and the next day you get your operation. The steps to getting a hair transplant in Turkey are as follows:
Absolutely! There is a reason why Turkey is the first country that comes to mind across the world when it comes to a hair transplantation. Hair transplantation in Turkey attracts patients from dozens of countries around the world. The latest technological advancements taking place in the field of hair transplantation that have been adopted throughout the world are generally pioneered in Turkey.
It is a common fact that certain vitamins can help with hair growth and thickness. We people can not escape our genetics, but we can help ourselves through nutritions. When it comes to growing hair and keeping it healthy, look for supplements rich with vitamins D, C, B and A.
PRP and Low-Level Laser Therapy are 2 different methods used for the treatment of hair loss. Both methods address hair loss by promoting hair preservation and regrowth. The role of PRP is to strengthen the hair and prevent hair loss while Low-Level Laser Therapy speeds up the healing time of hair transplant and promotes the fastest hair growth possible.
In general, pregnant women experience some changes in their hair due to increased levels of estrogen hormone. This hormone also affects the hair follicles. Hair loss after pregnancy or childbirth is not a major problem; because it is a temporary condition that returns to normal after birth. However, it can affect the mother and the baby. Hair loss can be caused by conditions such as illness or malnutrition. So, How to prevent hair loss during pregnancy or after pregnancy?
Fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair loss. Treating hair loss from these fungal infections requires a different approach than with other types of hair loss. Hair infection by fungal agents is scientifically known as trichomycosis. Fungal infection affects the scalp and hair fiber, and causes hair loss and other irritating issues. With ringworm, small patches of itchy and scaly skin appear on the scalp, leading to excessive dandruff, flaking of the skin, and inflammation.
Yes, as long as individuals follow the right steps. In addition to keeping your scalp clean, you should follow some of the solutions below in consultation with your dermatologist. When ringworm is present, treatments need to focus on eliminating the fungal infection, not on promoting more hair growth. Once the ringworm is eliminated, the hair loss will stop.